The Dord of Darien

Musings from the Mayor of the Internet

Let’s be wrong for a minute

"Jose Bautista ain’t gonna hit 54 home runs again this year, and without that, Toronto has no hitting."

"Bautista is OPSing about 150 points over his career average… there’s no way [he’s] going to keep it up."

Jose Bautista, 2011 year-to-date: .360 / .509 / .816 / 1.325, 269 OPS+, 102 TB, 16 HR, 37 BB. Leads MLB in every single one of those categories.

The moron who wrote those quotes at the top of the piece is, of course, me. I think that’s about as wrong as I’ve ever been about anything. But you can understand my mistake, right?

Jose Bautista, 2004-2009: .238 / .329 / .400 / .729, 91 OPS+, 59 HR, 0.3 WAR

Jose Bautista, 2010-2011: .278 / .403 / .653 / 1.056, 185 OPS+, 70 HR, 9.8 WAR (!)

Seriously? Fuck the heck, Jose? How can you even do that? Also: how can you be worth 4.1 WAR in only 163 PA? At this rate — and paces are 100% a real thing that can be counted on, mind you — Jose Bautista will be worth like 16 WAR this year. Which will be seventh-best all-time, trailing only a bunch of nineteenth-century pitchers who threw like 700 innings.

May 20th, 2011 Posted by | Baseball | one comment

1 Comment »

  1. I’m going to guess HGH has something to do with it. Also FLAX SEED OIL.

    Yeah, but mainly, HGH.

    Comment by Dave | 24 May 2011

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