The Dord of Darien

Musings from the Mayor of the Internet


I’ve been thinking for a while about how I don’t really want to get all political on this blog. I know I did during the election season, but before and since I’ve tried to keep that under wraps a bit, and just keep focused on lighthearted sweary stories about video games and food and baseball and bigfoot. But sometimes I just want to say something about current events, and the crazy slide toward totalitarian insolvency Emperor Stupid is leading us down. So I came up with a plan.

I started another blog. That one is all political, all the time, so if you’re interested in listening to my crazy thoughts about how maybe more government isn’t always better, you can check that out, and this blog can stay just about fun topics. Except that every so often I might post here anyhow if I feel the need to swear about something; that blog (as you’ll have noticed if you looked at or clicked on the link like some type of crazy man) is off-site. It’s hosted by Campaign for Liberty, and they have certain content guidelines, among which is "no swearing." I’ve read them through pretty carefully, and I’m fair sure I’m still allowed to use the phrase "Emperor Stupid," though. "Emperor Dipshit" would be entirely out. On account of the shit.

March 1st, 2009 Posted by | Bullshit | 3 comments


  1. A site called “Campaign for Liberty” has a no swearing policy? What the fuck?

    Comment by Stephen | 4 March 2009

  2. Maybe it’s a campaign for her. Although I’m not sure she has a no-swearing policy.

    Comment by Nyperold | 4 March 2009

  3. Eh, they want to seem respectable and not like a bunch of sweary internerds. I can kind of understand that.

    Note carefully that they don’t support any sort of decency laws prohibiting swearing; they (as I) fully believe that everybody has the right to free speech, and that any laws abridging that are both unconstitutional and wrong. But they also believe (again, as do I) that any private organisation has the right to make whatever rules it wants. And since they want to look respectable, they don’t want people swearing. I don’t agree with the rationale, but it doesn’t bother me.

    Comment by Darien | 5 March 2009

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